GSO Test

'To help young people help themselves'

School Pedagogy

Adelaide has a child-centered pedagogy. Core are the principles of attachment and positive relationships. The school adopts an inclusive, transformative pedagogy as we believe that a child’s ‘capacity to learn can change and be changed for the better as a result of what happens and what people do in the present’ (Hart et al. 2004, P166). Learning is about shared communication between staff and pupils. All work together to build positive, collaborative learning experiences. All lessons include the following elements; reference to curriculum intent, recap of knowledge and skills, assessment for learning and pupil voice.


The vision of the school is 'to help young people help themselves’.

This is core to our curriculum which focuses on pupils’ well-being, learning and preparation for the future.

In each of the three areas we have identified characteristics which will intend pupils to develop throughout their time in school. Our curriculum includes all elements of British Values.


We have 6 periods a day, which are 40-50 minutes long. Teachers work hard to plan learning through active and engaging experiences, which move young people forward from where they are to their next steps.

Wellbeing- All elements of our curriculum are therapeutic. Staff support pupils throughout the school day. We eat in family groups at lunch times and carefully structure break times. As part of our curriculum we have therapeutic opportunities, which include animal therapy, ELSA and art therapy. Attachment and trauma informed practices inform all elements of school life.

Learning- Our lower school is designed to be based on the principles of nurture so there is a focus on understanding behaviour, improving communication and developing self-esteem. They have a safe and supportive space with key adults.

As pupils move through the school the level of independence expected increases where possible. Pupils can access BTECs, Cambridge Nationals, Functional Skills or GCSEs dependent on their ability levels and aspirations. Subjects taught include; English Literature, English Language, Science, Maths, Statistics, Art, Photography, Construction, Food, ICT and PE.

Future: We focus on careers throughout our time at school. Experiences of the workplace are embedded in what we do. Pupils start college courses with a great deal of support and this reduces through year 10 and 11 to prepare them for life after school.

Our Curriculum includes a great deal of additional opportunities including those which are social, moral, spiritual and cultural. Pupils contribute to the community in lots of ways to support them in understanding what it means to be an active British citizen and to build their cultural capital.

Subject specific curriculum information can be viewed on individual subject pages.


The impact of our curriculum can be tracked in lots of ways. We are proud of the pupils who leave our school because of the personal characteristics they display. We track their personal development throughout their time at school. The experiences pupils access throughout school encourage them to develop resilience.

Pupil progress is recorded and learning is planned around their identified next steps. In lessons pupils collaborate and support each other. The qualifications pupils achieve allows us to assess the impact of our provision. Even sitting exams shows pupil’s commitment to learning and their ability to work independently when completing these exams.

We are a very strong community and we encourage pupils to consider the importance of contributing. Our pupils go on to access learning and employment and our NEET figures show this. We track how well our pupils succeed after school.

Everything we do in school as part of personal development contributes to the holistic growth of pupils. To track how pupils develop in this area we use a system called Personal, Social, Development (PSD). These are completed every term by a range of staff so that these abstract concepts can be turned into data to enable us to record the progress children are making. PSDs are split into 3 sections; Conduct, Learning and Communication and Emotional Mental Health. Where pupils are not making consistent progress then interventions are put into place.

Alongside this, we also track the progress of pupils towards our curriculum intent, British values and their understanding and experience of social, moral, spiritual and cultural concepts. We also track pupils progress towards the key skills necessary for careers and employability.

All pupils accessing our provision have an EHCP. During the annual review process we meet with parents and evaluate the progress pupils are making. Their personal development makes up a significant aspect of these discussions due to their main need being identified as social, emotional and mental health needs.

Personal development is at the heart of all at Adelaide. This is primarily because we believe it is the driver for preparing children to be active citizens in the future. ‘Helping children to help themselves’ is our aim. We believe all that we do to support pupils to develop as individuals and support them into employment, encourages them to stay healthy and contribute to society in a positive manner. All of the provision we put in place in this area is coordinated and tracked to ensure all elements are covered with all pupils wherever possible.

Curriculum Overview Grid

Our Curriculum Photobook -Autumn Term 2024

Our Curriculum Photobook -Summer Term 2024

Our Curriculum Photobook - Spring Term 2024

Our Curriculum Photobook - Autumn Term 2023                      

Our Curriculum Photobook - July 2022 - December 2022

If you have any further questions about our curriculum please contact our Head Teacher Miss Sarah Barlow.