Health and Safety is at the core of all we do at Adelaide School. We have clear policies and procedures in place- you can view these on the school website.
All elements of Health and Safety are often audited by external organisations including checks on our water systems and fire precautions. Debbie Field, the LAB member responsible for this area, completes half termly visits to audit procedures.
Staff and pupils are involved in regular discussions about Health and Safety including the School Council.
The Health and Safety Team:
Claire Birchall- Site Manager
Kristina Herring- Office Manager- Health and Safety Coordinator
Matthew Edmonds- Health and Safety Lead and Educational Visits Coordinator
Sarah Barlow- Headteacher
The school staff have received health and safety training and we have a team of First Aiders always available on site. Evacuation and lock down drills are regularly held to fully prepare the school for an emergency. Risk assessments are completed for elements of school life including all areas of the school building as well as trips and visits.
The safety of every child and adult is a priority at Adelaide School and every effort is taken to make certain we monitor this, inform the right people and protect and care for all who use the school site and premises, as far as we possibly can.
We are committed to communicating with you if there are any significant health and safety priorities or concerns. We rely on any parent, adult or child keeping us informed of any health and safety issues. Please get in touch if you wish to discuss any elements of health and safety in our school life.
School Security
The security of everyone who comes on to the school premises is paramount to Adelaide School. We are alert and aware as we possibly can be and we work together to make sure we are all safe. All visitors must sign in at the school office or link door. We also use a lanyard system to ensure all in school know visitors have signed in. Those without a DBS will have a red lanyard and be monitored at all times. We have recently developed the school building to make the access procedures more secure.
We have a responsibility to make certain security is high profile throughout the school. All outside doors have security locks and these can only be accessed from the outside by permanent members of staff . The Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead ensure that Safeguarding policy is reviewed annually and available for all to read. All staff are well trained and proficient in dealing with Safeguarding concerns and difficulties and receive updated training regularly.
We have good liaison with other agencies such as the Police and Local Authority who support us in having high standards in security. As in health and safety issues, we seek to keep all parents and adults informed just as we would expect good and immediate communication from children, parents and outside visitors.
2024/25 School Health and Safety Priorities
Priority- 1- Improve site security e.g. improve external doors.
Priority- 2- Continue to develop Lockdown Procedures
Priority- 3- Improve procedures around taxi drop off and collection
Priority- 4- Develop more regular Health and Safety questionnaires to parents
Priority- 5- Manage Health and Safety around new build on playground.